How do you greet people in your life?
Is it different for different people? How so and why?
Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?
When we meet persons who are older than me, we greet them with a humble bow.
And when we meet friends or younger persons, we greet them with shaking our hands.
It is very different style to another countries, such as America, or Europe.
For example, If you go to America, you can see people easily who are touching or kissing each other for greeting. It is very natural thing in that countries.
It is different that styles of greeting in every countries. Maybe you know that it is just difference of each cultures.
In japan's culture, It can't be accepted as greeting to touch or kiss each other. If you do that, the other would be think that you are a rude person.
I think these styles of greeting are from the buddhist which attached importance to courtesy to other.
답글삭제I agree that it is not so natural for Japanese people to touch their body,espesially they are not friendly yet. So for people who have such cultures, it is a little embarrassing to hug and kiss as a greet, isn't it? :D